10 LET incr=1: LET computer=1: LET diff=1: LET areaini=20: GO TO 90 20 LET counter1=counter1+(atr1<>i1)-(atr2=i1): LET counter2=counter2+(atr2<>i2)-(atr1=i2): LET area1=INT (counter1/percenmax): LET area2=INT (counter2/percenmax): PRINT #0; PAPER i1; INK 7;AT 1,6;area1;"%\{p6} "; PAPER i2;AT 1,24;area2;"%\{p6} ": PRINT BRIGHT 1; INK i1;AT y1,x1;a$(a); INK i1;AT ya1,xa1;"\c"; INK i2;AT y2,x2;a$(a); INK i2;AT ya2,xa2;"\c": IF area1>=area OR area2>=area THEN GO TO 80 30 LET h=h+1: LET f(h,1)=y1: LET f(h,2)=x1: LET g(h,1)=y2: LET g(h,2)=x2: LET a=(a=2)+2*(a=1): LET xa1=x1: LET ya1=y1: LET k$=INKEY$: LET ang1=ang1+3-(k$="q")+(k$="w"): LET ang1=ang1-4*INT (ang1/4)+1: LET x1=x1+x(ang1): LET x1=x1-32*INT (x1/32): LET y1=y1+y(ang1): LET y1=y1-22*INT (y1/22): LET xa2=x2: LET ya2=y2: IF computer>0 THEN IF ATTR (y2+y(ang2),x2+x(ang2))>64 THEN LET iang=ang2+4: LET iang=iang-4*INT (iang/4)+1: LET iattr=(ATTR (y2+y(iang),x2+x(iang))<64): LET dang=ang2+2: LET dang=dang-4*INT (dang/4)+1: LET dattr=(ATTR (y2+y(dang),x2+x(dang))<64): LET ang2=ang2+3+iattr-dattr+iattr*dattr*SGN (x(ang2)-y(ang2)): GO TO 50 40 LET k$=INKEY$: LET ang2=ang2+3-(k$="o")+(k$="p") 50 LET ang2=ang2-4*INT (ang2/4)+1: LET x2=x2+x(ang2): LET x2=x2-32*INT (x2/32): LET y2=y2+y(ang2): LET y2=y2-22*INT (y2/22): LET atr1=ATTR (y1,x1): LET i1=(i1 AND atr1<64)+(0 AND atr1>63): LET atr2=ATTR (y2,x2): LET i2=(i2 AND atr2<64)+(0 AND atr2>63): IF i1>0 AND i2>0 THEN GO TO 20+60*(k$="r") 60 BEEP 1,-30: PRINT #0; INK 0;AT 0,9; FLASH 1;"Paint is drying": LET counter1=counter1-h*(i1=0)+h*(diff=1 AND i1>0 AND i2=0): LET counter2=counter2-h*(i2=0)+h*(diff=1 AND i2>0 AND i1=0): LET i1=i1*(i1>0)+i2*(diff=1 AND i2>0 AND i1=0): LET i2=i2*(i2>0)+i1*(diff=1 AND i1>0 AND i2=0): FOR i=1 TO h: PRINT BRIGHT 0; INK i1;AT f(i,1),f(i,2);CHR$ (143); INK i2;AT g(i,1),g(i,2);CHR$ (143): LET s=30+i/10: BEEP 0.005,s: NEXT i: PRINT #0;AT 0,9; FLASH 0;" " 70 LET i1=1: LET i2=2: LET h=0: LET a=1: LET x1=INT (32*RND): LET y1=INT (22*RND): LET ang1=1+INT (3*RND): LET atr1=ATTR (y1,x1): LET xa1=x1: LET ya1=y1: LET x2=INT (32*RND): LET y2=INT (22*RND): LET ang2=1+INT (3*RND): LET atr2=ATTR (y2,x2): LET xa2=x2: LET ya2=y2: GO TO 20: 80 BEEP 0.05,30: BORDER 0: PAPER 0: CLS : LET fin=(area+areaincr*(incr>0)>maxarea) OR k$="r": LET score1=score1+(area1>=area AND area2=area AND area1=area AND area2=area AND area2>=area)+("Player 2 has" AND area2>=area AND area1score2)+("both players haved tied" AND score1=score2)+("Player 2 is the champion" AND score2>score1): LET c=i1*((fin*(g$(8 TO 8)="1")+(fin=0)*(f$(8 TO 8)="1"))+i2*((fin*(g$(8 TO 8)="2")+(fin=0)*(f$(8 TO 8)="2")))): LET area=area+areaincr*(incr>0): LET m$=(" but" AND f$(2 TO 8)<>g$(2 TO 8) AND k$<>"r")+(" and" AND f$(2 TO 8)=g$(2 TO 8) AND k$<>"r"): FOR i=1 TO 8: PRINT PAPER c;AT i,0,,: NEXT i: LET m$=f$+" won this match"+(m$ AND fin): PRINT FLASH 1; PAPER c; INK 7;AT 3+2*(fin=0),16-(LEN m$)/2;m$: LET m$=(g$+"!!!" AND fin): PRINT FLASH 1; PAPER c; INK 7;AT 4,16-(LEN m$)/2;m$: PRINT FLASH 1; PAPER c; INK 7;AT 6,8;("CONGRATULATIONS" AND fin): PRINT INK 7; PAPER i1;AT 10,12;score1; PAPER i2;AT 10,18;score2: FOR i=50 TO 30 STEP -10: BEEP 0.01,i: NEXT i: FOR i=1 TO 10-10*(fin=0 OR c=0): FOR k=12 TO 18 STEP 2: PRINT INK c;AT k,33-i-k;" \a\c": NEXT k: FOR j=50 TO -20 STEP -10: BEEP .001,j: NEXT j: NEXT i: PRINT #0;AT 1,4;("Press any key to continue" AND fin): PAUSE 100*(fin=0): GO TO 100-10*fin 90 BEEP 0.05,30: BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS : RANDOMIZE : DIM a$(2): LET a$(1)="\a": LET a$(2)="\b": LET p2=PI/2: DIM x(4): DIM y(4): LET max=32*22: DIM f(INT (max/2),2): DIM g(INT (max/2),2): LET percenmax=max/100: LET x(1)=1: LET y(1)=0: LET x(2)=0: LET y(2)=1: LET x(3)=-1: LET y(3)=0: LET x(4)=0: LET y(4)=-1: LET maxarea=90: LET areaincr=10: LET score1=0: LET score2=0: LET start=0:: INK 1: PRINT AT 8,0;: PRINT " \::\::\:. \.:\::\:. \:: \:: \::\ :\::\::\: \.:\::\:: \::\::\:.": PRINT " \:: \:: \:: \:: \:: \::\: \:: \ :\: \:: \:: \::": PRINT " \::\::\:' \::\::\:: \:: \::\::\. \:: \ :\: \::\..\.. \::\::\:'": PRINT " \:: \:: \:: \:: \::\ '\::\:: \ :\: \::\''\'' \::\:.": PRINT " \:: \:: \:: \:: \:: \ :\:: \ :\: \:: \::\':\:.": PRINT " \:: \:: \:: \:: \:: \:: \ :\: \':\::\:: \:: \::":: PAUSE 50: OVER 1: PRINT AT 0,0;: PRINT " \{i2}\.:\::\:.": PRINT " \{i2}\::": PRINT " \{i2}\::": PRINT " \{i2}\:: \::\::\:.": PRINT " \{i2}\:: \:: \::": PRINT " \{i2}\':\::\:' \::\::\:'": PRINT " \{i2}\::\:.": PRINT " \{i2}\::\':\:.": PRINT " \{i2}\ ' ": PRINT " \{i2} ": PRINT " \{i2} ": PRINT " \{i2} ": PRINT " \{i2} ": PRINT " \{i2} \:: ": PRINT " \{i2}\::": PRINT " \{i2}\.:\:'": PRINT " \{i2}\''\::\'' \:: \::": PRINT " \{i2}\.:\:' \:: \::": PRINT " \{i2}\::\::\:: \':\..\:'": PRINT " \{i2}\::": PRINT " \{i2}\::": PRINT " \{i2}\::": OVER 0: PRINT #0; INK 7;AT 1,6;"\* EddieTheWild 2007":: RESTORE 90: FOR F=65368 TO 65391: READ A: POKE F,A: BEEP 0.005,a/10: NEXT F: INK 6: FOR i=1 TO 30: PRINT AT 0,7;"S - Start";AT 1,8;"P - Paint ";areaini;"%": PRINT AT 2,9;"I - ";("Increase % " AND incr>0)+("No increase %" AND incr<0): PRINT AT 3,10;"A - vs. "+("computer" AND computer>0)+("human" AND computer<0)+" ": PRINT AT 4,11;"C - ";("No capture paint" AND diff<0)+("Capture paint " AND diff>0): PRINT AT 5,12;"ENTER - Instructions": PRINT AT 6,13;"Q - Quit": LET t$=INKEY$: BEEP 0.05*(t$<>""),20: LET areaini=areaini+areaincr*(t$="p" AND areaini"i"): LET computer=(-computer AND t$="a")+(computer AND t$<>"a"): LET diff=(-diff AND t$="c")+(diff AND t$<>"c"): LET end=(t$="s")+(t$="q"): LET i=(i AND t$<>CHR$ (13))+(100 AND (t$=CHR$ (13) OR end<>0)): NEXT i: IF end=0 THEN CLS : INK 6: PRINT "Paint the indicated % of total": PRINT "area to beat your opponent.": PRINT "Avoid fresh paint or you will": PRINT "loss what you have painted.": PRINT "Fresh paint dries after someone": PRINT "runs into fresh paint.": PRINT : PRINT "\{p1}Player 1\{p0}: Q/W - Turn left/right": PRINT "\{p2}Player 2\{p0}: O/P - Turn left/right": PRINT " R - Return to menu": PRINT : PRINT INK 7;AT 11,10;"CONFIGURATION": PRINT "P - The % of area to paint": PRINT "I - The % to paint increases": PRINT " or not with every new stage": PRINT "A - * No capture: fresh paint": PRINT " of crashed player is lost": PRINT " when run into fresh paint": PRINT " * Capture: fresh paint of ": PRINT " crashed player becomes of": PRINT " the other player": PRINT "C - Human or computer opponent": PRINT #0; INK 7;AT 1,4;"Press any key to continue": FOR i=1 TO 150: LET k$=INKEY$: LET i=(i AND k$="")+(150 AND k$<>""): NEXT i: GO TO 90: DATA 48,48,254,254,254,170,85,85,12,12,127,127,127,85,170,170,170,85,170,85,170,85,170,85 100 IF t$="s" THEN FOR i=20 TO 40: BEEP .001,i: NEXT i: BORDER 6: PAPER 0: INK 0: CLS : PRINT FLASH 1; PAPER 6; INK 0;AT 10,3;"Paint the ";area;"% of total area": FOR i=3 TO 0 STEP -1: PRINT INK 7;AT 12,15;i: BEEP 0.2,0: PAUSE 25: NEXT i: CLS : FOR i=20 TO 40: BEEP .001,i: NEXT i: LET counter1=0: LET counter2=0: GO TO 70: REM ************ \* EddieTheWild 2007